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FANUC Robot Adapted for Vaporizing Foil Actuator Welding


VFAW Welding Head Attached to Fanuc Robot
VFAW Welding Head Attached to Fanuc Robot
Fanuc Robot Outfitted With VFAW Welding Head
Fanuc Robot Outfitted With VFAW Welding Head

CDME has adapted a six-axis Fanuc robot to perform vaporizing foil actuator welding (VFAW). Developed at The Ohio State University in Professor Glenn Daehn’s Impulse Manufacturing Laboratory, VFAW is a manufacturing process capable of enabling welds between a variety of sheet metal structures, including steel and aluminum alloy welds. Led by lead engineer Dr. Ryan Brune, the team successfully adapted a VFAW welding head to the approximately 2800 lb. robot in order to refine the robotic welding process and demonstrate the capabilities of VFAW in the industry.